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Climate doubt the opium of the masses and politicians alike

Matt Ridley, Times arch climate sceptic and one of the men at the helm of the banking crisis is spreading doubt about climate change again in his article about Global cooling on Monday  8 Jan.

Spreading doubt about climate change saps society’s willingness to cut emissions as it gives people fragile straws to cling on as their excuse for doing nothing, whether they are the man and woman coming up the escalator in Brixton tube station, the executive in ICI or the Prime Minister.  Besides our duty in reducing climate change now, our other duty is to bring to justice those who prevented action.

My response is below:

Dear Editor,

Matt Ridley seems to say that we are going moving into an ice age rather than global warming. His article looks selectively at the arctic weather on the US east coast, but wholly ignores the record breaking warm winter on its west coast. It mentions “iguanas falling out of the trees” from the cold but fails to mention that the current heatwave in Australia is leading to the death of their fruit bats.

This cherry picking of world weather is a blatant attempt to reinforce climate doubt in people and reduces the chance that individually and collectively, we will do what is needed to protect the planet for our children and grandchildren. If we should fail in this duty, it represents a double challenge for intergenerational justice: firstly, how we make restitution to future generations for our failure to protect their planet and secondly, how we seek justice on their behalf against the people and organisations responsible for climate change emissions AND the deniers like Mr Ridley who seek to prevent action to reduce emissions.

Chit Chong


There will be a wide ranging conference on climate change looking at increasing the amount and effectiveness of environmental campaigning in Dorset.

DORSET CLIMATE CHANGE CONFERENCE: SATURDAY 21ST OCTOBER 2017, WEYMOUTH. VENUE: St Aldhelm’s Church Centre, Spa Road, Weymouth, DT3 5EW ORGANISED BY: Transition Town Weymouth & Portland (TTW&P) with Sustainable Dorset (ex DA21)

OBJECTIVES: Inform and promote action. Challenge politicians to take action. Recruit new TT members.

PROGRAMME. 10 am – 4 pm overall.

10.00 – 10.05. Welcome and introduction – Chair: Dr Jon Orrell, Dorset CC. & Chair of TTW&P.

10.05 – 10.30. Climate Change Science – John Tomblin, Chemist and TTW&P Trustee (20 +5 mins: Qs.)

10.30 – 10.55. What needs to be done – TBC. (20 +5 mins: Qs.)

10.55 – 11.10. REFRESHMENT BREAK: choose workshops and view displays

11.10 – 12.10: Parties’ policies and actions. (15 mins each)  CONSERVATIVE: Simon Hoare, MP North Dorset  GREENS: Amelia Womack, Deputy Leader Green Party  LABOUR: Lee Rhodes, Prospective Parliamentary Candidate W Dorset  LIB. DEMS: David Harris, Dorset CC for Weymouth

12.10 – 12.40 pm Questions to panel of above politicians (30 mins.)

12.40 – 1.30 pm: LUNCH – provided – choose workshops and view displays (50 mins) 1.30 – 1.55 pm: Renewable Energy (RE) and energy efficiency: Pete West, ex RE Officer Dorset CC (20 +5 mins: Qs.)

1.55 – 3.20 pm: Six workshops on Climate Change: choose two out of six. (40 mins each) 

Campaigning – Lucy Sommers (Bridport) & Emily Bullock (Bournemouth)  Sustainable horticulture/agriculture – Judy Edwards & Kate Forrester (Dorchester)  Personal action eg. No fly/no car – Chit Chong (Bridport) 
Countering climate change sceptics – David Smith & John Tomblin (Weymouth)  Species extinction by Climate Change – Sebastian Brooke, MEMO project (Portland)  Communicating Climate Change: Sam Wilberforce (Bridport)
3.20 – 3.55 PLENARY: report back from workshops and Qs to panel of w/shop leaders (35 mins)
3.55 – 4.00 pm Summary and conclusions: Chair.
4.00 pm: TEA and DEPART

Donations of £5

Join the campaign to force supermarkets to label airfreighted foods

Corresponding with Supermarkets

I have asked the supermarkets below to label the airfreighted foods they sell and report of the total embodied carbon of the food they sell by tonnage, value and mode of transport.

The views below are my subjective view of my correspondence with them.

Please write to them yourself  with photos of the unlabelled – probably airfreighted groceries and ask for them to be labelled.

Waitrose CEO –
A disappointingly large range of airfreighted groceries given pride of place amongst their produce.

Correspondence with Waitrose has been very disappointing with a self righteous and patronising tone. “We are the environmental and social paragons so don’t criticise us” On carbon labelling they say they know the carbon cost of much they sell but are unwilling to label products unless the government makes all supermarkets do so.

Tesco CEO –
Whist they have a wide range of Airfreighted products, they have been surprisingly helpful, though still not movement on labelling.

Morrisons. CEO –
Their stores make a big thing of advertising British products, but on my visit, my store had a large “British Asparagus” sign but the only ones they had were airfreighted from Peru!

Responses from their complaints department were frighteningly ignorant of sustainability issues and spoke about increasing their sales – presumably of Peruvian asparagus!!

Sainsbury CEO – Mike Coupe
A lot of airfreighted groceries, and surprisingly, Kenyan fine beans and fine beans from Worcester in the same packaging and at the same price.

Lidls CEO –
The lowest amount of airfreighted goods in the store. response awaited

Coop CEO –
Fair amount of airfreighted goods. response awaited.


What to foods to lookout for:
Confirmation of that the following were air-freighted was asked of Waitrose but none has been received – not much help or openness here!

Peruvian Asparagus
Kenyan/Guatemalan mange tout, french beans, tender-stem broccoli
Indian baby sweetcorn
US sweetcorn
Farmed sea bass from Greece
Raw fresh unfrozen tiger prawns from Thailand/Vietnam

I was pleasently surprised when Tesco’s emailed the following:
Peruvian Asparagus – combination of airfreight and sea freight (fluctuates depending on season)
Kenyan – Mangetout (airfreight), French Beans (airfreight), Tenderstem Broccoli (airfreight)
Guatemalan – Mangetout/French beans combination of airfreight and sea freight (depending on seasons)
Indian baby sweetcorn – 100% airfreight
US sweetcorn – airfreight


Supermarkets conspiring force us to buy high carbon foods

Between July and September I have been taking supermarkets to task for selling air freighted groceries with like French beans flown in from Kenya when they are available locally from Hereford. The response I have had has been superciliously patronising from Waitrose, informative from Tesco and almost environmentally illiterate from Morrisons.


Morrisons advertising British Asparagus when only air freighted Peruvian ones were on sale. The latter have a carbon footprint of 3.5 kg CO2 compared to 125g for local asparagus – 28 times more!